Illegal Side Hustles That Sound Legal

There are a lot of side hustles out there that sound perfectly legal. But, as it turns out, many of them are actually illegal. So, which side hustles are illegal but sound legal?
You need to take precautions when doing these side hustles. Some of the most common illegal side hustles that sound legal include:
· Running a dog bakery.
· Homemade food.
· Selling certain types of goods and clothes.
In this blog post, I will discuss some of the most common side hustles people do that are illegal. I will also provide information on how to stay safe if you pursue one of these opportunities.
Illegal Side Hustles that Sound Legal
You may be surprised to learn that some of the side hustles you've been doing are illegal. Here are some of the most common illegal side hustles that sound legal:
Running a Dog Bakery
You may be violating health codes if you're running a dog bakery out of your home. Most states require commercial kitchens to prepare food for human consumption. This means that your home kitchen probably doesn't meet the requirements for a commercial kitchen.
You can't just make some dog biscuits and sell them without taking some more steps. For example, suppose you don't follow all Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards, especially on labeling for your dog treats. This may rapidly turn into an unlawful side venture (and leave you vulnerable to some very costly fines).
Selling Homemade Food
It is common to see people selling homemade food, such as baked goods, snacks, drinks, and jellies. But, in most states, it is illegal to sell any type of food that has been made in a home kitchen without following the FDA rules, especially on labeling. Therefore, your snacks should be labeled properly to avoid landing on the wrong side of the FDA.
Selling Certain Types of Goods and Clothes
People have been acquiring goods from elsewhere and reselling them at a considerable profit in their home state, especially clothing.
And some individuals have had a lot of success doing this as a side hustle – which is reasonable since it may be a perfectly legal method to supplement your income. However, you should ensure that what you're selling will not get you in legal trouble.
Be cautious if you think what you're offering is too similar to another company's intellectual property. For example, avoid selling a handbag with Louis Vuitton's signature print all over it, but it's not only straight-up counterfeit that is a problem.
Selling shoes with red soles, for example, might land you in trouble if it is determined that you are infringing on Louboutin's rights. And that's even when you're forthright with clients about what you're selling isn't genuine Louboutins.
Final Thoughts
There are a lot of illegal side hustles that sound legal. Side hustles like running a dog bakery, selling homemade soaps and bath bombs, homemade food, and certain types of goods and clothes can get you in trouble if you're not careful. Do your research and ensure you're not breaking any laws before starting your side hustle. I hope this article has helped you know illegal side hustles that sound legal.